



許金玉 (Hsu, Chin-Yu)

  • 職  稱: 副教授
  • 服務單位: 明志科技大學環境與安全衛生工程系
  • 最高學歷: 美國伊利諾理工大學環境工程博士
  • 通訊地址: 243303新北市泰山區貴子里工專路84號
  • 聯絡電話: 02-2908-9899分機6204
  • 電子信箱: gracecyhsu@mail.mcut.edu.tw
  • 實驗室:暴露及健康風險評估實驗室;分機6216
  • 研發能量資料(研究計畫、發表論文、專利等)


  1. 明志科技大學環境與安全衛生工程系副教授(2023/8-迄今)
  2. 明志科技大學環境與安全衛生工程系助理教授(2020/2-2023/7)
  3. 財團法人國家衛生研究院協同研究員(2013/9-2020/1)
  4. 元培醫事科技大學環境工程衛生系兼任助理教授 (2013/9-2019/12)
  5. 元科科技(股)公司計畫經理(2001/8-2006/8)
  6. 財團法人中國技術服務社工程師(1993/2-2000/7)


  1. 空氣污染物分析技術
  2. 空氣污染擴散及軌跡模擬
  3. 受體模式應用與污染來源解析
  4. 健康風險評估
  5. 土地利用回歸模型建立


  1. 乙級空氣污染防制專責人員,(90)環署訓證字FB000020號。


  1. 2019/3 國家衛生研究院 Research Day優秀論文獎。
  2. 2014/1-迄今 空軍第四九九聯隊新竹基地噪音防制委員。
  3. Referee for:
    Environmental Pollution
    Atmospheric Environment
    Journal of Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
    Journal of Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering
    Environmental Research
    Science of the Total Environment 



  1. Hsu CY, Ku CH, Hsu WT, Chen YC. Characterization of PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in Taiwan. 2019 NHRI Research Day, Taiwan. (Oral Presentation)
  2. Chen MJ, Hsu CY, Lin TY, Hsu WT, Ku CH, Hsu CY. Estimates of historical ambient benzene using a Bayesian approach. Asian Chapters of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and the International Society of Exposure Science. 2019 ISEE-ISES AC, Daegu. Korea.
  3. Hsu CY, Wang SM, Yang TT, Chen JL, Chiang HC, Wu YS, Chen YC. Impacts of hazardous metals and PAHs in the ambient air from local and reginal sources and exceeded cancer risks in Taipei city. 2018 NHRI Research Day, Taiwan. (Poster)
  4. Hsu CY, Chiang HC, Lin TY, Chen MJ, Chen YC. Ambient VOCs in residential areas nearby a large-scale petrochemical complex: spatiotemporal variation, source apportionment and risk assessment. 2017 NHRI Research Day, Taiwan. (Poster)
  5. Hsu CY, Lin TY, Hsu WT, Ku CH, Chen YC. Concentration and particle size distribution of number and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formed by frying steak in a domestic kitchen. 2017 ISEE, Sydney, Australia.
  6. Hsu CY, Chiang HC, Lin TY, Chen MJ, Chen YC. Source apportionment of PM2.5 in the western coastal area of central Taiwan. 2016 ISEE, Sapporo, Japan. (Oral Presentation)
  7. Chen MJ, Chiang HC, Hsu CY, Chen NT, Chen YC. The concentration-response relation between daily morbidity and mortality and PM2.5 in Taiwan: A seasonal city-specified meta-analysis. Asian Chapters of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and the International Society of Exposure Science. 2016 ISEE-ISES AC 2016). Sapporo, Japan.
  8. Hsu CY, Lin TY, Hsu WT, Ku CH, Chen MJ, Chen YC. Physical and chemical characteristics of particles exposure by cooking fish exhaust in a domestic kitchen, Taiwan. 2016 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Poster)
  9. Hsu CY, Chiang HC, Chen MJ, Lin TY, Chen YC. Characterization and source apportionment of PM2.5 in residential areas surrounding the petrochemical complex of central Taiwan. 2015 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Oral Presentation)
  10. Hsu CY, Lin TY, Chen MJ, Chen YC. Characteristic analysis of nature gas burning in domestic kitchens, Taiwan. 2015 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Poster)
  11. Hsu CY, Chiang, H.C., Lin, S. L., Chen, M.J., Lin, T.Y., Chen, Y.C. Elemental characterization and source apportionment of PM10 and PM2.5 in the western coastal area of central Taiwan. 2015 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Oral Presentation).
  12. Chen MJ, Chiang HC, Hsu CY, Lin TY, Chen YC*. Developing a Risk-based Air Quality Health Index (AQHI): A Case Study in Central Taiwan. 2015 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology. Miaoli, Taiwan.
  13. Lin TY, Chen MJ, Hsu CY, Chen YC. Characteristics and source identification of heavy metals in fine and coarse particles during and after the particle episode. 2014 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Poster)
  14. Hsu CY, Lin MY, Chen MJ, Lin TY, Chiang HC, Chen YC. High-time Resolution Mobile Monitoring on Ambient Particle during an Episode. 2014 ISEE, Seattle, Washington. (Poster)
  15. Hsu CY, Chen MJ, Lin TY, Chen YC. High-Time Resolution Mobile Monitoring on Roadway Particles in Yunlin and Changhua Counties. 2014 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Taiwan. (Poster)
  16. Chen MJ, Hsu CY, Lin TY, Chiang HC, Chen YC. Does the pollutant standards index (PSI) reflect health implications for susceptibility? 2014 ISEE, Seattle, Washington, USA. (Oral)
  17. Chen MJ, Hsu CY, Lin TY, Chiang HC, Chen YC. 臺灣空氣品質分級標準是否具民眾健康防護效益? 2014 International Conference on Aerosol Science and Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Oct. 2014. (Oral)
  18. Hsu CY, Chen MJ, Lin TY, Chen YC. High-time Resolution Mobile Monitoring on Ambient Particle during an Episode. 2013 NHRI Research Day, Miaoli, Taiwan. (Poster)
  19. Chen MJ, Hsu CY, Lin TY, Chen YC. Evaluating Temporal Trends for Benzene in the Rural Area nearby a Petrochemical Complex. 2013 NHRI Research Day, Miaoli, Taiwan. (Poster)
  20. 陳穆貞, 江宏哲, 許金玉, 林孜禹, 柯凱瑋, 古俊宏, 陳裕政. 小港地區苯及乙苯終身健康風險評估. 2016年度公共衛生年會. 台北,台灣。
  21. 陳穆貞, 江宏哲, 許金玉, 林孜禹, 陳裕政. 台灣地區環境中揮發性有機物質特徵與健康風險評估. 2015公共衛生年會. 台北,台灣。
  22. 陳穆貞, 許金玉, 林孜禹, 江宏哲, 陳裕政. 台灣地區大氣細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)濃度對老年人口呼吸道就診之影響. 2014年公共衛生年會. 台南, 台灣。
  23. 陳穆貞, 許金玉, 林孜禹, 吳宥辰, 江宏哲, 陳裕政. 臺灣空氣品質分級標準是否具民眾健康防護效益? 2014年氣膠年會. 高雄, 台灣。


  1. 106/10/01~107/12/31 環保署-環境與健康風險評估技術建立專案工作 協同主持人
  2. 109/04/15~109/12/31 國衛院-高效率汙染源鑑定技術開發(一)
  3. 109/12/01~112/11/30 科技部-室內空氣污染物研究-家用清潔劑與有機胺生成及影響因子評估
  4. 110/01/01~110/12/31 國衛院-高效率汙染源鑑定技術開發(二)