About us
Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering
Master Program in Environmental Engineering
Phone:+886229089899 ext. 6200
E-Mail: wwwshe@mail.mcut.edu.tw
Originally named our Department as Environmental and Safety Engineering. The department of Safety, Health, and Environmental Engineering (S.H.E. Dept.) was established in 2000 and changed to the current name in 2006. Additionally, Graduate Institute of Environmental and Resources Engineering has been proven in 2008 and been established in 2009. The Graduate Institute is changed the name to Master Program in Environmental Engineering. The mission of this department is to integrate science and technology for managing environmental problems and promoting the awareness of industrial safety and health.
The S.H.E. Dept. aims to cultivate the specialists in applied technology to meet the present day and future need of industry. The department emphasizes on the technique-oriented research to bridge the gap between academia and industrial circles. The practical approach is to combine “Environmental Monitoring”, “Pollution Control”, “Resources Recycle”, and “Safety & Health”.