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Jung-Ming Wu


Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology.

Phone:+886229089899 ext. 6206


E-mail: jwu@mail.mcut.edu.tw


Research Interest

  1. CFD
  2. Transport phenomena and unit operations
  3. Separation technology
  4. Water/wastewater treatment



  1. Ph.D. – Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2001
  2. M.S. - Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1997
  3. B.S. - Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1995


Working Experience

  1. Professor (8/2019–now), Dept. of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, Ming Chi University of Tech., Taiwan.
  2. Professor (2/2013–7/2019), Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
  3. Associate Professor (2/2009–1/2013), Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
  4. Assistant Professor (8/2003–1/2009), Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan.


Awards and Honors

  1. S. S. Sung, D. J. Lee, and R. M. Wu, “Steady-State Solid-Flux Plot of Blanket in Upflow Suspended Bed,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 36(4), 385-390 (2005). 石延平教授論文獎
  2. R. M. Wu, M. H. Lin, H. Y. Lin, and R. Y. Hsu, “3D Simulations of Hydrodynamic Drag Forces on Two Porous Spheres Moving along Their Centerline,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 301, 227-235. TOP 10 AR-TICLES PUBLISHED IN THE SAME DOMAIN SINCE YOUR PUBLICATION, BioMedLib
  3. J. P. Hsu, C. H. Chou, S. Tseng and R. M. Wu, “3D simulations of hydrodynamic drag on a nonhomo-geneously structured permeable sphere and advective flow thereof,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 336, 850-856 (2009). TOP 10 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE SAME DOMAIN SINCE YOUR PUBLICA-TION, BioMedLib
  4. 吳容銘,『Novel Hydrocyclone』,2012莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽銀牌。
  5. 吳容銘,『具過濾功能的水旋風分離器』,2012台北國際發明暨技術交易展金牌。
  6. 吳容銘,徐琳芳,黃耀緯,『新奇之固液分離暨顆粒分級器』,2012 International Innovation and Invention Conference,Bronze Medal。
  7. 吳容銘,2017台灣化學產業科技協進會,產品創新獎。
  8. 彭科達,吳容銘,2018全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽最佳實作獎。
  9. R.M. Wu, “Reverse Gravity Centrifugal Filtration”, 2018 Hong Kong International Invention and De-sign Competition, Gold Medal.
  10. R.M. Wu, “Reverse Gravity Centrifugal Filtration”, Excellence Award in IIDC 2018, 5-7 December 2018, ATIP.
  11. 2019 Deep Tech Challenge, 2019/11/12, Top 10. (美商應用材料 X 工研院 創新創業競賽) 



Referred papers

  1. R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, "Hydrodynamic Drag Force Exerted on a Moving Floc and Its Implications to Free-Settling Tests," Water Res., 32(3), 760-768 (1998). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.748) March
  2. R. M. Wu, W. H. Feng, I. H. Tsai, and D. J. Lee, “An Estimate of Activated-Sludge Floc Permeability: A Novel Hydrodynamic Approach,” Water Environ. Res., 70(7), 1258-1264 (1998). (EI) (IF = 1.146) November/December
  3. R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, “Hydrodynamic Drag Force Exerted on a Highly Porous Sphere Moving To-wards an Impermeable Plate,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 53(20), 3571-3578 (1998). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.218) October
  4. G. Y. Hsu, R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, and J. C. Liu, “Washing Characteristics of Copper-Containing Clay Sludge Cake,” Water Res., 33(1), 248-256 (1999).(SCI, EI) (IF = 1.748) January
  5. R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, “Highly Porous Sphere Moving Through Centerline of Circular Tube Filled with Newtonian Fluid,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 54(23), 5717-5722 (1999). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.218) December
  6. R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, “Washing of Nickel-Containing Clay Sludge Cake,” Adv. Environ. Res., 2(4), 491-496 (1999). (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.647)
  7. R. M. Wu, G. W. Tsou, and D. J. Lee, “Estimate of Sludge Floc Permeability,” Chem. Eng. J., 80, 37-42 (2000). (EI) (IF = 0.677)
  8. R. M. Wu, G. W. Tsou, and D. J. Lee, “Estimation of the Interior Permeability of Polymer-Flocculated Sludge Flocs,” Adv. Environ. Res., 4, 163-167 (2000). (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.647)
  9. R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, C. H Wang, J. Zhao, and R. B. H. Tan, “Discrepancy in Cake Characteristic Measurement: Compression-Permeability Cell,” J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 33(6), 869-878 (2000). (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.633) 
  10. R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, C. H. Wang, J. P. Chen, and R. B. H. Tan, “Novel Cake Characteristics of Waste-Activated Sludge,” Water Res., 35(5), 1358-1362 (2001). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.376)
  11. C. C. Hsieh, H. J. Wen, R. M. Wu, and D. J. Lee, “Flow Field and Particle Attachment in a Straight Pipe with a Symmetric Cavity,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 32(2), 177-182 (2001). (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.292)
  12. R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, “Hydrodynamic Drag on Non-Spherical Floc and Free-Settling Test,” Water Res., 35(13), 3226-3234 (2001). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.376)
  13. R. M. Wu, G. W. Tsou and D. J. Lee, “Hydrodynamic Permeability of Activated Sludge and Cupric Hydroxide Flocs,” J. Chin. Inst. Envir. Engrs., 11(4), 265-270 (2001).
  14. P. S. Yen, L. C. Chen, C. Y. Chien, R. M. Wu, and D. J. Lee, “Network Strength and Dewaterability of Flocculated Activated Sludge,” Water Res., 36(3), 539-550 (2002). (Feb.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.611)
  15. R. M. Wu, G.. W. Tsou, P. S. Yen, D. J. Lee, and X. F. Peng, “Tracking Advective Flow through Floc Interior,” J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 35(6), 540-546 (2002). (Jun.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.459)
  16. G. W. Tsou, R. M. Wu, P. S. Yen, D. J. Lee, and X. F. Peng, “Advective Flow and Floc Permeability,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 250, 400-408 (2002). (Jun.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.466)
  17. R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, and P. He, “Estimation of Floc Permeability,” Water Intelligence Online, 1, UNIQUE ID: 200206015, June (2002). 
  18. R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, T. D. Waite, and J. Guan, “Multilevel Structure of Sludge Flocs,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 252, 383-392 (2002). (Aug.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.466)
  19. R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, and P. He, “Estimation of Floc Permeability and Porosity,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 34(2), 275-280 (2003). (Mar.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.268)
  20. G. W. Tsou, R. M. Wu, P. S. Yen, and D. J. Lee, “Advection Flow through Sludge Flocs,” Adv. Environ. Res., 7, 733-737 (2003). (May) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.626)
  21. D. J. Lee, R. M. Wu and X. F. Peng, “Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of Biological Aggregates,” Bull. College Engng., Natl Tauwan Univ. 88, (June) 123-126 (2003). Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N.T.U.
  22. R. M. Wu, C. P. Chu, D. J. Lee, and C.Y. Chang, “Modeling Sludge as Continuous Mixture during Thermal Pyrolysis,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 34(5), 587-593 (2003). (Sept.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.268)
  23. C. T. Su, R. M. Wu, and D. J. Lee, “Blanket Dynamics in Upflow Suspended Bed,” Water Res., 38, 89-96 (2004). (Jan.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 2.304)
  24. R. M. Wu, H.Y. Chung, and D. J. Lee, “Hydrodynamic Drag Forces on Two Porous Spheres Moving along their centerline,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 59, 943-950 (2004). (Feb.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.655) 
  25. R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, and C. Y. Chang, “Modeling Thermally Pyrolyzed Sludge as a Continuous Mix-ture,” J. Residuals Sci. &. Technol. 1(3), 169-173 (2004). (Jul.) (NSC 93-2214-E-032-006)
  26. W. W. Lin, S. S. Sung, L. C. Chen, H. Y. Chung, C. C. Wang, R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, C. Huang, R. S. Juang, X. F. Peng, and H. L. Chang, “Treating High-Turbidity Water Using Full-Scale Floc Blanket Clarifiers,” J. Environ. Eng.-ASCE, 130, 1481-1487 (2004). (Dec.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.154) 
  27. S. S. Sung, D. J. Lee, and R. M. Wu, “Steady-State Solid-Flux Plot of Blanket in Upflow Suspended Bed,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 36(4), 385-390 (2005). (Jul.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.190) (NSC 93-2214-E-032-003) 石延平教授論文獎
  28. R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, C. Y. Chang, and J. L. Shie, “Fitting TGA Data of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis and Oxi-dation by Applying a Model Free Approximation of the Arrhenius Parameters,” J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 76, 132-137 (2006). (Jan.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.412) (NSC 94-2214-E-032-001)
  29. R. M. Wu, M. H. Lin, H. Y. Lin, and R. Y. Hsu, “3D Simulations of Hydrodynamic Drag Forces on Two Porous Spheres Moving along Their Centerline,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 301, 227-235 (2006). (Sept.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 2.233) (NSC 94-2214-E-032-001)
  30. K. J. Hwang and R. M. Wu, “Use of Models in the Design of Cross-Flow Microfilters for the Purifica-tion of Protein from Bio-Mixtures,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 38, 125-133 (2007).(Mar.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.979) 
  31. R. M. Wu, T. H. Lee, and W. J. Yang, “A Study of Water Treatment Clarifier,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 10(4), 317-322 (2007). (Dec.) (EI) (NSC 93-2214-E-032-003)
  32. R. M. Wu, K. J. Li, and S. S. Sung, “Dynamic Response of Sizes of Humic Acid-Kaolin-PACl Aggre-gates,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 10(4), 335-340 (2007). (Dec.) (EI) (NSC 93-2214-E-032-006)
  33. T. W. Jan, S. S. Adav, D. J. Lee, R. M. Wu, A. Su, and J. H. Tay, “Hydrogen Fermentation and Me-thane Production from Sludge with Pretreatments,” Energy and Fuels, 22(1), 98-102 (2008).(Jan.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.519) (NSC 96-2623-7-002-015-ET) 
  34. W. J. Yang, C. C. Wang, R. Y. Hsu, and R. M. Wu, “Two-Phase Flow Simulation of Reactor Clarifiers,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 39(3), 275-280 (2008) (May) (SCI, EI) (NSC 96-2221-E-032-020) 
  35. R. M. Wu, T. H. Lee, and W. J. Yang, “Study of Flow in a Blanket Clarifier using Computational Fluid Dynamics,” J. Environ. Eng.-ASCE, 134(6), 443-455 (2008). (June) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.845) (NSC 95-2221-E-032-051)
  36. C. Y. Hsu and R. M. Wu, “Hot Zone in a Hydrocyclone for Particles Escape from Overflow,” Drying Technology, 26(8), 1011-1017 (2008) (Aug.) (NSC 96-2221-E-032-020)
  37. K. J. Lee and R. M. Wu, “Simulation of Resistance of Cross-flow Microfiltration and Force Analysis on Membrane Surface,” Desalination, 233, 239-246 (2008) (Dec.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.917) (NSC 95-2221-E-032-051)
  38. H. H. Fang and R. M. Wu, “Determination of Hydrodynamic Shear Force exerted on Membrane Sur-face in Cross-Flow Filtration by Multiphase Simulation,” J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 41(10), 961-966 (2008)(SCI, EI) (IF = 0.515) (NSC 96-2221-E-032-020)
  39. J. P. Hsu, C. H. Chou, S. Tseng and R. M. Wu, “3D simulations of hydrodynamic drag on a nonhomo-geneously structured permeable sphere and advective flow thereof,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 336, 850-856 (2009). (SCI, EI)
  40. W. J. Yang, S. J. Wu, Y. H. Li, H. C. Liao, C. Y. Yang, K. L., Shih and R. M. Wu, “Hydrodynamic Be-havior of Flow in a Drinking Water Treatment Clarifier,” In-Tech., ISBN: 978-953-7619-59-6. (2009) (NSC 96-2221-E-032-020)
  41. R. M. Wu and K. J. Li “Increasing Filtrate Flux of Crossflow Filtration with Side Stream,” Separation Science and Technology, 45(7) 975-981 (2010) (SCI, EI)
  42. C. Y. Hsu and R. M. Wu “Effect of Overflow Depth of a hydro cyclone on Particles Separation,” Dry-ing Technology, 28(7) 916-921 (2010) (SCI, EI)
  43. E. W.-C. Lim, Y.R. Chen, C.H. Wang and R. M. Wu “Experimental and Computational Studies of Multiphase Hydrodynamics in a Hydrocyclone Separator System,” Chemical Engineering Science, 65, 6415-6424. (2010)
  44. C.Y. Hsu, S.J. Wu and R.M. Wu “Particles Separation and Tracks in a Hydrocyclone,” Tamkang Jour-nal of Science and Engineering, 14(1), 65-70. (2011)
  45. J.P Hsu, C.H. Chou, C.C. Kuo, S. Tseng, and R.M. Wu “Electrophoresis of an arbitrarily oriented to-roid in an unbounded electrolyte solution” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 82, 505-512 (2011) Feb.
  46. C.H. Chou, J.P. Hsu, C.C. Kuo, H. Ohshima, S. Tseng and R.M. Wu “Importance of the porous struc-ture of a soft particle on its electrophoretic behavior,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 93, 154-160 (2012) May
  47. Y.S. Lai, C.W. Fu, C.Y. Pan and R.M. Wu, “A Study on Hydrocyclone with Rotating Blades on Over-flow Pipe Wall” 2011 International Conference on Materials for Environmental Protection and Energy Application, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sept. 27-28, (2011).
  48. R.M. Wu, and Y.J. Lin “Tubular membrane filtration with a side stream and its intermittent backwash operation,” Sep. Sci Tech., 47(12), 1689-1697 (2012). August
  49. C.H. Chen and R.M. Wu, “The Effects of a Hydrocyclone Overflow Pipe Structure on Separation Ef-ficiency,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 29, No. 1, p.39-47. 2014 March
  50. 吳容銘,水淨化的魔術師,科學發展,500期,2014年8月,24-28。
  51. 吳容銘,具備顆粒分級與過濾功能雙效合一之旋風分離器-旋風分級濾機,化工,第63卷第2期,2016,27-41。
  52. Chu-Chiao Wang and R.M. Wu, “Experimental and Simulation of a Novel Hydrocyclone-Tubular Membrane as Overflow Pipe,” Separation and Purification Technology, 60-67, 198, 2018.
  53. Jhao-Yi Lin and R.M. Wu, “Three Output Membrane Hydrocyclone: Classification and Filtration,” Molecules, 24, 1116-1132, 2019.
  54. Chen-Yi Tsai and R.M. Wu, “Simulation of a small solar storage tank and its operation strategy,” De-salination and Water Treatment, 165, 2019, 16-23.
  55. Han-Yi Chung, R.M. Wu, Duu-Jong Lee, “Hydrodynamic drag force on porous sphere(s) moving in a Newtonian fluid: Two case studies,” Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 101, 2019, 8-14.
  56. Yung-Sheng Lai and R.M. Wu, “Effect of the Wall Thickness of an Overflow Pipe on the Short Circuit Flow,” Desalination and Water Treatment, 185 (2020) 124-131 May.


  1. 吳容銘,『具過濾功能的水旋風分離器』,公告號:M414266,公告日:2011/10/21。
  2. R. M. Wu, “Hydrocyclone Separator”,公告號:US 8182684 B1,公告日:2012/05/22。
  3. 吳容銘、林欽山、羅宏章、鄒經緯,『水旋風分離器』,公告號:M434620,公告日:2012/08/01。
  4. 吳容銘,『後照鏡不凸出車體邊緣之車輛』,公告號:M460017,公告日:2013/08/21。
  5. 吳容銘,張碩程,『具側流過濾功能的水旋風分離器』,公告號:M459896,公告日:2013/08/21。
  6. 吳容銘,『乾電池』,公告號:M462959,公告日:2013/10/01。
  7. 吳容銘,『烤肉器』,公告號:M462573,公告日:2013/10/01。
  8. 吳容銘,『水旋風分離器』,公告號:CN 102698890 B,公告日:2013/12/25。
  9. 吳容銘、林昭逸,『高效能生物膜過濾反應系統暨其處理方法』,公告號:I448436,公告日:2014/08/11。
  10. 吳容銘,『渦流反應裝置』,TW I645910,2019.01.01。
  11. 吳容銘,林家丞,陳峒諺,『離心過濾設備』,申請號:104121683,2015.07.3。
  12. 吳容銘,『離心過濾器及其操作方法』,TW I577437  :105114163,2016.05.06。
  13. 吳容銘,『離心過濾機及其操作方法』,CN107344145B,2019/06/14。
  14. 吳容銘,『離心過濾器』,申請號:US 2019-0247864 A1,2019/08/15。
  15. 吳容銘,『離心過濾器』,申請號:GE 10 2016 112 112.6.,2016/07/01。
  16. 吳容銘,『遠心過濾裝置』,申請號:JP 6374925,2018/07/27。
  17. 張芳丕,吳容銘,許振洋,『過濾裝置』,M586632,2019/11/21。
  18. 張芳丕,吳容銘,許振洋,『過濾裝置』,TW I687258,2020/03/11。
  19. 張芳丕,吳容銘,許振洋,『過濾裝置』,TW M542508,2017/06/01。