Jung-Ming Wu
Department of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology.
Phone:+886229089899 ext. 6206
E-mail: jwu@mail.mcut.edu.tw
Research Interest
- Transport phenomena and unit operations
- Separation technology
- Water/wastewater treatment
- Ph.D. – Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2001
- M.S. - Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1997
- B.S. - Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 1995
Working Experience
- Professor (8/2019–now), Dept. of Safety, Health and Environmental Engineering, Ming Chi University of Tech., Taiwan.
- Professor (2/2013–7/2019), Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
- Associate Professor (2/2009–1/2013), Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
- Assistant Professor (8/2003–1/2009), Dept. of Chemical and Materials Engineering, Tamkang University, Taiwan.
Awards and Honors
- S. S. Sung, D. J. Lee, and R. M. Wu, “Steady-State Solid-Flux Plot of Blanket in Upflow Suspended Bed,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 36(4), 385-390 (2005). 石延平教授論文獎
- R. M. Wu, M. H. Lin, H. Y. Lin, and R. Y. Hsu, “3D Simulations of Hydrodynamic Drag Forces on Two Porous Spheres Moving along Their Centerline,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 301, 227-235. TOP 10 AR-TICLES PUBLISHED IN THE SAME DOMAIN SINCE YOUR PUBLICATION, BioMedLib
- J. P. Hsu, C. H. Chou, S. Tseng and R. M. Wu, “3D simulations of hydrodynamic drag on a nonhomo-geneously structured permeable sphere and advective flow thereof,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 336, 850-856 (2009). TOP 10 ARTICLES PUBLISHED IN THE SAME DOMAIN SINCE YOUR PUBLICA-TION, BioMedLib
- 吳容銘,『Novel Hydrocyclone』,2012莫斯科俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明展暨發明競賽銀牌。
- 吳容銘,『具過濾功能的水旋風分離器』,2012台北國際發明暨技術交易展金牌。
- 吳容銘,徐琳芳,黃耀緯,『新奇之固液分離暨顆粒分級器』,2012 International Innovation and Invention Conference,Bronze Medal。
- 吳容銘,2017台灣化學產業科技協進會,產品創新獎。
- 彭科達,吳容銘,2018全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽最佳實作獎。
- R.M. Wu, “Reverse Gravity Centrifugal Filtration”, 2018 Hong Kong International Invention and De-sign Competition, Gold Medal.
- R.M. Wu, “Reverse Gravity Centrifugal Filtration”, Excellence Award in IIDC 2018, 5-7 December 2018, ATIP.
- 2019 Deep Tech Challenge, 2019/11/12, Top 10. (美商應用材料 X 工研院 創新創業競賽)
Referred papers
- R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, "Hydrodynamic Drag Force Exerted on a Moving Floc and Its Implications to Free-Settling Tests," Water Res., 32(3), 760-768 (1998). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.748) March
- R. M. Wu, W. H. Feng, I. H. Tsai, and D. J. Lee, “An Estimate of Activated-Sludge Floc Permeability: A Novel Hydrodynamic Approach,” Water Environ. Res., 70(7), 1258-1264 (1998). (EI) (IF = 1.146) November/December
- R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, “Hydrodynamic Drag Force Exerted on a Highly Porous Sphere Moving To-wards an Impermeable Plate,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 53(20), 3571-3578 (1998). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.218) October
- G. Y. Hsu, R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, and J. C. Liu, “Washing Characteristics of Copper-Containing Clay Sludge Cake,” Water Res., 33(1), 248-256 (1999).(SCI, EI) (IF = 1.748) January
- R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, “Highly Porous Sphere Moving Through Centerline of Circular Tube Filled with Newtonian Fluid,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 54(23), 5717-5722 (1999). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.218) December
- R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, “Washing of Nickel-Containing Clay Sludge Cake,” Adv. Environ. Res., 2(4), 491-496 (1999). (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.647)
- R. M. Wu, G. W. Tsou, and D. J. Lee, “Estimate of Sludge Floc Permeability,” Chem. Eng. J., 80, 37-42 (2000). (EI) (IF = 0.677)
- R. M. Wu, G. W. Tsou, and D. J. Lee, “Estimation of the Interior Permeability of Polymer-Flocculated Sludge Flocs,” Adv. Environ. Res., 4, 163-167 (2000). (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.647)
- R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, C. H Wang, J. Zhao, and R. B. H. Tan, “Discrepancy in Cake Characteristic Measurement: Compression-Permeability Cell,” J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 33(6), 869-878 (2000). (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.633)
- R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, C. H. Wang, J. P. Chen, and R. B. H. Tan, “Novel Cake Characteristics of Waste-Activated Sludge,” Water Res., 35(5), 1358-1362 (2001). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.376)
- C. C. Hsieh, H. J. Wen, R. M. Wu, and D. J. Lee, “Flow Field and Particle Attachment in a Straight Pipe with a Symmetric Cavity,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 32(2), 177-182 (2001). (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.292)
- R. M. Wu and D. J. Lee, “Hydrodynamic Drag on Non-Spherical Floc and Free-Settling Test,” Water Res., 35(13), 3226-3234 (2001). (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.376)
- R. M. Wu, G. W. Tsou and D. J. Lee, “Hydrodynamic Permeability of Activated Sludge and Cupric Hydroxide Flocs,” J. Chin. Inst. Envir. Engrs., 11(4), 265-270 (2001).
- P. S. Yen, L. C. Chen, C. Y. Chien, R. M. Wu, and D. J. Lee, “Network Strength and Dewaterability of Flocculated Activated Sludge,” Water Res., 36(3), 539-550 (2002). (Feb.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.611)
- R. M. Wu, G.. W. Tsou, P. S. Yen, D. J. Lee, and X. F. Peng, “Tracking Advective Flow through Floc Interior,” J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 35(6), 540-546 (2002). (Jun.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.459)
- G. W. Tsou, R. M. Wu, P. S. Yen, D. J. Lee, and X. F. Peng, “Advective Flow and Floc Permeability,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 250, 400-408 (2002). (Jun.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.466)
- R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, and P. He, “Estimation of Floc Permeability,” Water Intelligence Online, 1, UNIQUE ID: 200206015, June (2002).
- R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, T. D. Waite, and J. Guan, “Multilevel Structure of Sludge Flocs,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 252, 383-392 (2002). (Aug.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.466)
- R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, and P. He, “Estimation of Floc Permeability and Porosity,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 34(2), 275-280 (2003). (Mar.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.268)
- G. W. Tsou, R. M. Wu, P. S. Yen, and D. J. Lee, “Advection Flow through Sludge Flocs,” Adv. Environ. Res., 7, 733-737 (2003). (May) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.626)
- D. J. Lee, R. M. Wu and X. F. Peng, “Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of Biological Aggregates,” Bull. College Engng., Natl Tauwan Univ. 88, (June) 123-126 (2003). Bulletin of the College of Engineering, N.T.U.
- R. M. Wu, C. P. Chu, D. J. Lee, and C.Y. Chang, “Modeling Sludge as Continuous Mixture during Thermal Pyrolysis,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 34(5), 587-593 (2003). (Sept.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.268)
- C. T. Su, R. M. Wu, and D. J. Lee, “Blanket Dynamics in Upflow Suspended Bed,” Water Res., 38, 89-96 (2004). (Jan.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 2.304)
- R. M. Wu, H.Y. Chung, and D. J. Lee, “Hydrodynamic Drag Forces on Two Porous Spheres Moving along their centerline,” Chem. Eng. Sci., 59, 943-950 (2004). (Feb.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.655)
- R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, and C. Y. Chang, “Modeling Thermally Pyrolyzed Sludge as a Continuous Mix-ture,” J. Residuals Sci. &. Technol. 1(3), 169-173 (2004). (Jul.) (NSC 93-2214-E-032-006)
- W. W. Lin, S. S. Sung, L. C. Chen, H. Y. Chung, C. C. Wang, R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, C. Huang, R. S. Juang, X. F. Peng, and H. L. Chang, “Treating High-Turbidity Water Using Full-Scale Floc Blanket Clarifiers,” J. Environ. Eng.-ASCE, 130, 1481-1487 (2004). (Dec.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.154)
- S. S. Sung, D. J. Lee, and R. M. Wu, “Steady-State Solid-Flux Plot of Blanket in Upflow Suspended Bed,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 36(4), 385-390 (2005). (Jul.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.190) (NSC 93-2214-E-032-003) 石延平教授論文獎
- R. M. Wu, D. J. Lee, C. Y. Chang, and J. L. Shie, “Fitting TGA Data of Oil Sludge Pyrolysis and Oxi-dation by Applying a Model Free Approximation of the Arrhenius Parameters,” J. Anal. Appl. Pyrol., 76, 132-137 (2006). (Jan.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.412) (NSC 94-2214-E-032-001)
- R. M. Wu, M. H. Lin, H. Y. Lin, and R. Y. Hsu, “3D Simulations of Hydrodynamic Drag Forces on Two Porous Spheres Moving along Their Centerline,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 301, 227-235 (2006). (Sept.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 2.233) (NSC 94-2214-E-032-001)
- K. J. Hwang and R. M. Wu, “Use of Models in the Design of Cross-Flow Microfilters for the Purifica-tion of Protein from Bio-Mixtures,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 38, 125-133 (2007).(Mar.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.979)
- R. M. Wu, T. H. Lee, and W. J. Yang, “A Study of Water Treatment Clarifier,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 10(4), 317-322 (2007). (Dec.) (EI) (NSC 93-2214-E-032-003)
- R. M. Wu, K. J. Li, and S. S. Sung, “Dynamic Response of Sizes of Humic Acid-Kaolin-PACl Aggre-gates,” Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering, 10(4), 335-340 (2007). (Dec.) (EI) (NSC 93-2214-E-032-006)
- T. W. Jan, S. S. Adav, D. J. Lee, R. M. Wu, A. Su, and J. H. Tay, “Hydrogen Fermentation and Me-thane Production from Sludge with Pretreatments,” Energy and Fuels, 22(1), 98-102 (2008).(Jan.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 1.519) (NSC 96-2623-7-002-015-ET)
- W. J. Yang, C. C. Wang, R. Y. Hsu, and R. M. Wu, “Two-Phase Flow Simulation of Reactor Clarifiers,” J. Chin. Inst. Chem. Eng., 39(3), 275-280 (2008) (May) (SCI, EI) (NSC 96-2221-E-032-020)
- R. M. Wu, T. H. Lee, and W. J. Yang, “Study of Flow in a Blanket Clarifier using Computational Fluid Dynamics,” J. Environ. Eng.-ASCE, 134(6), 443-455 (2008). (June) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.845) (NSC 95-2221-E-032-051)
- C. Y. Hsu and R. M. Wu, “Hot Zone in a Hydrocyclone for Particles Escape from Overflow,” Drying Technology, 26(8), 1011-1017 (2008) (Aug.) (NSC 96-2221-E-032-020)
- K. J. Lee and R. M. Wu, “Simulation of Resistance of Cross-flow Microfiltration and Force Analysis on Membrane Surface,” Desalination, 233, 239-246 (2008) (Dec.) (SCI, EI) (IF = 0.917) (NSC 95-2221-E-032-051)
- H. H. Fang and R. M. Wu, “Determination of Hydrodynamic Shear Force exerted on Membrane Sur-face in Cross-Flow Filtration by Multiphase Simulation,” J. Chem. Eng. Jpn., 41(10), 961-966 (2008)(SCI, EI) (IF = 0.515) (NSC 96-2221-E-032-020)
- J. P. Hsu, C. H. Chou, S. Tseng and R. M. Wu, “3D simulations of hydrodynamic drag on a nonhomo-geneously structured permeable sphere and advective flow thereof,” J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 336, 850-856 (2009). (SCI, EI)
- W. J. Yang, S. J. Wu, Y. H. Li, H. C. Liao, C. Y. Yang, K. L., Shih and R. M. Wu, “Hydrodynamic Be-havior of Flow in a Drinking Water Treatment Clarifier,” In-Tech., ISBN: 978-953-7619-59-6. (2009) (NSC 96-2221-E-032-020)
- R. M. Wu and K. J. Li “Increasing Filtrate Flux of Crossflow Filtration with Side Stream,” Separation Science and Technology, 45(7) 975-981 (2010) (SCI, EI)
- C. Y. Hsu and R. M. Wu “Effect of Overflow Depth of a hydro cyclone on Particles Separation,” Dry-ing Technology, 28(7) 916-921 (2010) (SCI, EI)
- E. W.-C. Lim, Y.R. Chen, C.H. Wang and R. M. Wu “Experimental and Computational Studies of Multiphase Hydrodynamics in a Hydrocyclone Separator System,” Chemical Engineering Science, 65, 6415-6424. (2010)
- C.Y. Hsu, S.J. Wu and R.M. Wu “Particles Separation and Tracks in a Hydrocyclone,” Tamkang Jour-nal of Science and Engineering, 14(1), 65-70. (2011)
- J.P Hsu, C.H. Chou, C.C. Kuo, S. Tseng, and R.M. Wu “Electrophoresis of an arbitrarily oriented to-roid in an unbounded electrolyte solution” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 82, 505-512 (2011) Feb.
- C.H. Chou, J.P. Hsu, C.C. Kuo, H. Ohshima, S. Tseng and R.M. Wu “Importance of the porous struc-ture of a soft particle on its electrophoretic behavior,” Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 93, 154-160 (2012) May
- Y.S. Lai, C.W. Fu, C.Y. Pan and R.M. Wu, “A Study on Hydrocyclone with Rotating Blades on Over-flow Pipe Wall” 2011 International Conference on Materials for Environmental Protection and Energy Application, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sept. 27-28, (2011).
- R.M. Wu, and Y.J. Lin “Tubular membrane filtration with a side stream and its intermittent backwash operation,” Sep. Sci Tech., 47(12), 1689-1697 (2012). August
- C.H. Chen and R.M. Wu, “The Effects of a Hydrocyclone Overflow Pipe Structure on Separation Ef-ficiency,” Journal of Technology, Vol. 29, No. 1, p.39-47. 2014 March
- 吳容銘,水淨化的魔術師,科學發展,500期,2014年8月,24-28。
- 吳容銘,具備顆粒分級與過濾功能雙效合一之旋風分離器-旋風分級濾機,化工,第63卷第2期,2016,27-41。
- Chu-Chiao Wang and R.M. Wu, “Experimental and Simulation of a Novel Hydrocyclone-Tubular Membrane as Overflow Pipe,” Separation and Purification Technology, 60-67, 198, 2018.
- Jhao-Yi Lin and R.M. Wu, “Three Output Membrane Hydrocyclone: Classification and Filtration,” Molecules, 24, 1116-1132, 2019.
- Chen-Yi Tsai and R.M. Wu, “Simulation of a small solar storage tank and its operation strategy,” De-salination and Water Treatment, 165, 2019, 16-23.
- Han-Yi Chung, R.M. Wu, Duu-Jong Lee, “Hydrodynamic drag force on porous sphere(s) moving in a Newtonian fluid: Two case studies,” Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 101, 2019, 8-14.
- Yung-Sheng Lai and R.M. Wu, “Effect of the Wall Thickness of an Overflow Pipe on the Short Circuit Flow,” Desalination and Water Treatment, 185 (2020) 124-131 May.
- 吳容銘,『具過濾功能的水旋風分離器』,公告號:M414266,公告日:2011/10/21。
- R. M. Wu, “Hydrocyclone Separator”,公告號:US 8182684 B1,公告日:2012/05/22。
- 吳容銘、林欽山、羅宏章、鄒經緯,『水旋風分離器』,公告號:M434620,公告日:2012/08/01。
- 吳容銘,『後照鏡不凸出車體邊緣之車輛』,公告號:M460017,公告日:2013/08/21。
- 吳容銘,張碩程,『具側流過濾功能的水旋風分離器』,公告號:M459896,公告日:2013/08/21。
- 吳容銘,『乾電池』,公告號:M462959,公告日:2013/10/01。
- 吳容銘,『烤肉器』,公告號:M462573,公告日:2013/10/01。
- 吳容銘,『水旋風分離器』,公告號:CN 102698890 B,公告日:2013/12/25。
- 吳容銘、林昭逸,『高效能生物膜過濾反應系統暨其處理方法』,公告號:I448436,公告日:2014/08/11。
- 吳容銘,『渦流反應裝置』,TW I645910,2019.01.01。
- 吳容銘,林家丞,陳峒諺,『離心過濾設備』,申請號:104121683,2015.07.3。
- 吳容銘,『離心過濾器及其操作方法』,TW I577437 :105114163,2016.05.06。
- 吳容銘,『離心過濾機及其操作方法』,CN107344145B,2019/06/14。
- 吳容銘,『離心過濾器』,申請號:US 2019-0247864 A1,2019/08/15。
- 吳容銘,『離心過濾器』,申請號:GE 10 2016 112 112.6.,2016/07/01。
- 吳容銘,『遠心過濾裝置』,申請號:JP 6374925,2018/07/27。
- 張芳丕,吳容銘,許振洋,『過濾裝置』,M586632,2019/11/21。
- 張芳丕,吳容銘,許振洋,『過濾裝置』,TW I687258,2020/03/11。
- 張芳丕,吳容銘,許振洋,『過濾裝置』,TW M542508,2017/06/01。